Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Prepared to be a Blessing

Have you ever felt for someone going through a time of need, and desperately wanted to do something.
"What can I do to help? If I can help, give me a call, If there's anything I can do, let me know" 
 But sometime your life is too busy to plan ahead, you get wrapped up in your own day to day, and usually because the family in need is humble or doesn't want to put you out, and they say "oh no, we are getting by just fine."

When a friend has a baby, someone is in the hospital, someone dies, rather than asking these questions, how about just preparing and freezing a meal or just an entree for your friend? A few extras could live in your freezer for just such an occasion. 
Or how about just calling and saying I'm going to "name the restaurant" and I'm going to bring you some food. What time will you be home?

My grandfather had a stroke on July 20th, and has been in a rehab/ nursing home since then. My mom stayed with my grandmother and they spend most of the day at the rehab visiting with him. My mom sent me this: 
So many people have asked these same questions over the last 7-8 weeks, and rarely did I feel like I could say "Yes, how about some food so we don't have to drive through again or make a PBJ for the 20th night? The next door neighbors brought chicken and dumplings the first week and we ate the third meal from the frozen leftovers last night. We have one more bag we will eat when we need it.

After the guest post on cooking monthly by Dani, I thought while preparing those meals, prepare a few extra to have on hand for when you need to be hospitable to someone in need. Your friends will never be mad at you for bringing them food, and if it is frozen they can save it for later if other people bring them food. 
It doesn't have to be pretty, and if you don't cook, just bring by a stoffers lasagna. 
Life doesn't often give you a lot of warning before experiencing tragedy or trouble, go ahead and be prepared for these times, so that you can be a blessing to those around you. 
Please feel free to share a recipe for crowd pleaser meals that you take to people in times of need.