Let's start today by making a cute front door wreath.
Start with a grapevine wreath, twine, a piece of black felt, and 1 roll of adorable orange ribbon. I selected a 3 yard roll of 1.5"thick grosgrain polka dot.
I left about 9-12 inches of ribbon. Wrap the rest of the ribbon loosely around the wreath, which should leave you with enough to tie a bow on the bottom. Grab twine and scissors to make the spider web inside the wreath. I would start with a piece that is no longer than 2 feet- otherwise it will get tangly. 
Weave the twine back and forth across the wreath to create a spider web. It helped to go across, scoot the twine over, then head back across focusing the intersection over the same place. I wanted the center of my spider web to be asymmetrical, BUT you can put yours wherever. Then with a separate piece create the circular part of the spider web by looping the twine over each spoke of the web as you cross over it.
Then you can add a plastic spider, OR puff paint a spider on a piece of black felt.
Then cut it out and glue, tie, or sew it onto your wreath.
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