This is my husband W.D.
He is very serious. He loves math and sports, especially when
the score of his team > the score of the other team.
This is the first love of my life, Mokie.
He helps me write my blog sometimes.
He's a people pleaser like his mommy, and is very concerned with my fabric selections and whether they are good for napping.
This is our little girl, Missy Prissy.
She is miss-chievous, but a very good snuggler. Much like her daddy, she is not very opinionated when it comes to home style. They pretty much just trust my decisions.
I was born in the wrong decade. My favorite place to shop as a child was the thrift store. I was probably the only 6 year old who purchased baby dolls and lamps. I love antiquing, and collect pretty much everything Mid Century including Pastel Pyrex, Fiestaware, Danish Furniture, Paint by Numbers, big eyed dolls (WD calls creepy), and other assorted Kitschy Kitsch. I love old movies, especially from 1950-1966.
I wear a lot of black, big sunglasses, big earrings, bright trench coats, and bold shoes. I prefer to dress for work like I was just cast on Mad Men.